How To Save Site from Bad Link Building Strategies

Link building is one of the most influential factors in getting your blog ranked higher in search engine optimization. Earlier, the site whose backlinks are more in number, the vehicle site used to be on the top of the search results.
Google keeps doing its algorithms I think, so we should stay away from bad link building strategies to avoid having to penalize our sites with Google algorithms. Such strategies come under Black Hat SEO which is very harmful for your blog.
What are the types of Bad Link Building Strategies?
Buying Paid Backlinks
Many such sites are up on the internet, where you can buy thousands of high page rank backlinks for your blog in a very small amount, and many bloggers have bought these backlinks thinking that it will get their blog and it will be available to anyone. It will not even be known that they have bought paid backlinks, but Google is very smart, the vehicle recognizes such sites immediately and punishes them.
Link Spamming
Link Spamming Vehicle is called when you go to other blogs, forums etc and put any content just to generate link for your blog. The head of Google Web Spam is Matt Cutts that if more backlinks to your blog come from comments then Google understands that you are link spamming and vehicles can penalize your blog. Therefore, whenever you comment on a blog, try to add it to make valuable comments.
Link exchanging
Many bloggers exchange links to their sites with other bloggers. If this method was something then it is right, but if it is used in more quantity then your blog can be damaged. But if you do link exchange with a quality blog of your niche then you will have none.
The blog which is good or whose rank is also good, then you are fascinated by those blogs, but if there is a blog on which the content is not good or the rank is also not high.
Follow Backlinks
Now you must be thinking that follow backlinks are good for any blog. Yes, I also agree that two-follow backlinks go a long way in improving the search engine ranking of any blog.
But if all the backlinks of your blog are two-follow, then there is a need to be a little careful why you want to keep your blog safe in search engines then your blog backlinks should be two-follow as well as no-follow.
Social Profile Link
If you have created a lot of your accounts on social sites and all those accounts are linking to your same blog then those links come to me as unnatural backlinks. Google has also declared that such links are only used for indexing and are not related to search engine ranking.
Social sites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, all the top sites are different for your site, make sure to create a profile or even link it. Create your channel on YouTube and add your link to it.